Toys sit in the yard of 884 Wanda Circle in Marietta, where a 2-year-old boy was found unresponsive in a hot car Tuesday night. The boy was later pronounced dead.
A two-year-old boy was found unresponsive in a hot car outside 884 Wanda Circle in Marietta Tuesday. The toddler was pronounced dead at Wellstar Kennestone Hospital Tuesday night.
Cobb Police Chief Stuart VanHoozer speaks at a Wednesday press conference about the two-year-old Marietta boy who died Tuesday night shortly after he was discovered in a hot car.
Sgt. Eric Smith, public information officer for the Cobb Police Department, speaks at a Wednesday press conference about the two-year-old Marietta boy who died Tuesday night shortly after he was discovered in a hot car.
Toys sit in the yard of 884 Wanda Circle in Marietta, where a 2-year-old boy was found unresponsive in a hot car Tuesday night. The boy was later pronounced dead.
A two-year-old boy was found unresponsive in a hot car outside 884 Wanda Circle in Marietta Tuesday. The toddler was pronounced dead at Wellstar Kennestone Hospital Tuesday night.
Cobb Police Chief Stuart VanHoozer speaks at a Wednesday press conference about the two-year-old Marietta boy who died Tuesday night shortly after he was discovered in a hot car.
Sgt. Eric Smith, public information officer for the Cobb Police Department, speaks at a Wednesday press conference about the two-year-old Marietta boy who died Tuesday night shortly after he was discovered in a hot car.
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