Photo by Jerry Jackson: North Clayton forward Devin Lewis (23) got going in the fourth quarter, pouring in seven points during an 18-7 run. Lewis finished with 13.
FORT VALLEY If advancing through the Class AAAA boys basketball tournament is supposed to be harder than this, somebody should send a memo to North Clayton. The Eagles are making things look ridiculously easy.
Add Alcovy to the Eagles' list of double-digit-margin postseason victims after Marcus Hunt scored 34 points Friday to lead North Clayton to an 84-62 rout in a quarterfinal at Fort Valley State University. With their sixth consecutive victory, the Eagles ensured that two Clayton County teams will reach the Class AAAA final four at The Arena at Gwinnett Center next week, with either Jonesboro or Lovejoy, combatants in a late quarterfinal here Friday, being the other.
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