In front of an Agway garden and pet supply store in Montpelier, Vermont, a sign announces “World’s Largest Zucchini Here.” The grower, store employee Ron Sholtz, told WCAX on Sept. 28 that his state-record 115-pound specimen is currently the largest zucchini on Earth.
His green, warty cylinder sits massively on a sturdy, hay-strewn table, a reminder of the intense power of a zucchini plant — the same unstoppable growth force that fuels a zucchini’s takeover of your garden, quietly building dark submarines in the prickly undergrowth as your attention is distracted by the bounty of summer. By the time the zucchini is big enough to trip over, your options are limited. But even if you have a zucchini that is up to the size of a baseball bat, your specimen can still find a little purpose in a loaf of zucchini bread.
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