River lovers will have the opportunity to explore three Georgia rivers and a Georgia barrier island this fall through Georgia River Network’s guided paddle trip program.
River lovers will have the opportunity to explore three Georgia rivers and a Georgia barrier island this fall through Georgia River Network’s guided paddle trip program.
Special Photo: Georgia River Network
Georgia River Network’s paddle adventures include guided trips featuring catered meals, camping, educational programs and entertainment.
ATHENS — River lovers will have the opportunity to explore three Georgia rivers and a Georgia barrier island this fall through Georgia River Network’s guided paddle trip program, beginning Sept. 17-19 with a trip that features the Ochlockonee River and Spring Creek in southwest Georgia.
The Athens-based river advocacy group’s paddle trip schedule continues with a two-day trip on the Flint River Oct. 8-10 and a journey in the Okefenokee Swamp and along the Suwannee River Nov. 12-14. On Nov. 5-7, the organization will explore Sapelo Island.
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