* WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts between 35 and 40
* WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central,
northeast, northwest, southeast, and west central Georgia.
* WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening.
* IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree
limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result.
Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high
profile vehicles. Use extra caution.
HAMPTON – Tickets are on sale for the Atlanta rounds of the 2021 Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, season. Atlanta and the Atlanta Motor Speedway will play host to Rounds 13, 14 and 15 of the 17-race series beginning on Saturday, April 10, followed by Tuesday, April 13, and Saturday, April 17.
The Atlanta Motor Speedway joins a small list of venues in Atlanta to host Supercross dating back to 1977 at Fulton County Stadium. When the Atlanta Motor Speedway opened its doors in 1960 it became the seventh superspeedway in the country and now joins just Darlington, Charlotte and Daytona as one of the original seven still in operation. The April triple-header will be a first for the speedway and a first for the Atlanta market.
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