Slutty Vegan's newest location in Jonesboro is location at 164 North McDonough St. Hours of operation are Tuesday-Friday from noon to 10 p.m. and Saturday from noon to midnight.
Slutty Vegan's newest location in Jonesboro is location at 164 North McDonough St.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Slutty Vegan's newest location in Jonesboro is location at 164 North McDonough St. Hours of operation are Tuesday-Friday from noon to 10 p.m. and Saturday from noon to midnight.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Executive Chef Jarvis Belton prepares lemonade in the new kitchen at Slutty Vegan's new location in Jonesboro.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Pinky Cole is the founder and CEO of Slutty Vegan.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Slutty Vegan opened its newest location in Jonesboro Saturday serving 1,000 customers in just four hours.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Dre Smith, a merchandiser for Slutty Vegan, prepare T-shirts for customers.
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