A girl takes her meal from a bus stop in Lilburn on Tuesday. Gwinnett County Public Schools and local school districts around the state are offering free lunches to students while schools are closed during the coronavirus prevention efforts
Berkmar High School Principal Durrant Williams, left, and Matt Rosenberger, right, deliver sack lunches to people as they drive up to the front of the school on Tuesday.
Berkmar High School Principal Durrant Williams, left, and Matt Rosenberger, right, deliver sack lunches to people as they drive up to the front of the school on Tuesday.
A Gwinett County Public Schools bus driver delivers a sack lunch to Corley Elementary School first grader Matias Bedoya on Tuesday in Lilburn.
Staff photo: Taylor Denman
A girl takes her meal from a bus stop in Lilburn on Tuesday. Gwinnett County Public Schools and local school districts around the state are offering free lunches to students while schools are closed during the coronavirus prevention efforts
Staff photo: Taylor Denman
Berkmar High School Principal Durrant Williams, left, and Matt Rosenberger, right, deliver sack lunches to people as they drive up to the front of the school on Tuesday.
Staff photo: Taylor Denman
Berkmar High School Principal Durrant Williams, left, and Matt Rosenberger, right, deliver sack lunches to people as they drive up to the front of the school on Tuesday.
Staff photo: Taylor Denman
Buford City Schools staff works to pack lunches for students on Tuesday.
Special photo: Buford City Schools
Berkmar High School cafeteria staff deliver lunches to students on Tuesday in front of the school.
Staff photo: Taylor Denman
A bus pulls up to a stop to deliver meals to students in the Berkmar cluster.
Staff photo: Taylor Denman
Milk cartons are stack up at Lilburn Middle School on Tuesday.
Francisca Clavijo’s Tuesday began at 5 a.m., not terribly different from when the Berkmar High School cafeteria manager normally begins preparing breakfast for students. But instead of diving straight into her meal prep, she started checking emails.
It’s March 2020, 10 days since the first confirmed case of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Gwinnett County, and instructions tend to change by the day. Fortunately for Clavijo, Tuesday’s instructions were the same as Monday’s. The Berkmar cafeteria staff are used to putting food on the line on a typical school day, but at 6:30 a.m. they started stuffing hundreds of paper bags with sandwiches.
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