Health care in the U.S. has a history that’s as far-reaching and complex as the country itself. To document how it as evolved over time, Sidecar Health compiled a list of 10 of the most impactful moments in U.S. health care history.
A brief look at American health care’s long, complicated history
1781: First medical society established
1865: Medical division of Freedmen's Bureau is established
1929: First employer-sponsored health care plan in the US is made available to teachers
1943: IRS makes employer-sponsored health insurance tax-free
1945: Harry Truman’s proposal for a national health insurance fails
1950-1960s: American Medical Association lobbies against single-payer systems
1965: Medicare and Medicaid programs established
1970s: First bills for single-payer system are proposed in Congress
1996: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act passes
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