Shown here is the cast of “Disaster:” First row, l-r: Justin Kitchens, Matt Spangler, Scott Mills; Jill Miller, Marissa Kovach, Ellie Schwartz, Macy Gray; second row, l-r: Lorie Stokes, Cole Miller, Laramy Wells, Alfred Hall, Amir Williams, Brad Smith, Malkia Butso; third row, l-r: David Miller, Bailee Ellis, Parker Page, Shanelle Amor and Sydney Parker.
Celebrating their anniversary with a casino trip, senior lovebirds Shirley (Jill Miller) and Maury (Scott Mills) remind us that “You’re Still the One.”
Guests at the casino enjoy dancing to “Saturday Night.” Shown, l-r, are Malkia Butso, Alfred Hall, Lorie Stokes, Brad Smith, Sydney Parker and Amir Williams.
Shown here is the cast of “Disaster:” First row, l-r: Justin Kitchens, Matt Spangler, Scott Mills; Jill Miller, Marissa Kovach, Ellie Schwartz, Macy Gray; second row, l-r: Lorie Stokes, Cole Miller, Laramy Wells, Alfred Hall, Amir Williams, Brad Smith, Malkia Butso; third row, l-r: David Miller, Bailee Ellis, Parker Page, Shanelle Amor and Sydney Parker.
Special Photo
Disco Diva Levora Verona (Shanelle Amor) sings the ’70s classic “Knock on Wood.”
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Sister Mary (Macy Gray) is having a little trouble “saying goodbye” to an old friend.
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Celebrating their anniversary with a casino trip, senior lovebirds Shirley (Jill Miller) and Maury (Scott Mills) remind us that “You’re Still the One.”
Professor of natural disasters Ted (Laramy Wells) warns Jackie (Marissa Kovach) and Ben (Parker Page) that the Casino is in real danger.
Casino owner Tony (David Miller) assures the Chef (Matt Spangler) that all safety measures have been taken—no worries?
Guests at the casino enjoy dancing to “Saturday Night.” Shown, l-r, are Malkia Butso, Alfred Hall, Lorie Stokes, Brad Smith, Sydney Parker and Amir Williams.
Youngster Lisa (Parker Page) gets a little “womanly” advice from Marianne (Ellie Schwartz) in song “I am Woman.”
The New Depot Players’ latest production promises to bring a bit of 1970s boogie to the stage with its production of “Disaster,” opening July 18. The Broadway musical features some of the most unforgettable songs of the ’70s. “Knock on Wood,” “Hooked on a Feeling,” “Sky High,” “I Am Woman” and “Hot Stuff” are just a few of the hits in this musical comedy with a book by three-time Emmy Award nominee and SiriusXM Broadway host, Seth Rudetsky, and Jack Plotnick.
It’s 1979, and New York’s hottest A-listers are lining up for the opening of a floating casino and discotheque. Also attending are: a faded disco star (Shanelle Amor), a sexy nightclub singer (Marissa Kovach) with her 11-year-old twins (both played by Parker Page), a disaster expert (Laramy Wells), a feminist reporter (Ellie Schwartz), an older couple with a secret (Jill Miller and Scott Mills), a pair of young guys who are looking for ladies (Cole Miller and Justin Kitchens), an untrustworthy businessman (David Miller) and a very unusual nun (Macy Gray). What begins as a night of boogie fever quickly changes to panic as the ship succumbs to multiple disasters. As the night turns into day, everyone struggles to survive and, quite possibly, repair the loves that they may have lost ... or at least escape the killer rats!
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