Allen Shane McGraw, age 43, of Stockbridge, GA, died Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2005. He was born in Atlanta, GA, to Tommy Edward and Sheila Arlene Hembree McGraw. Allen thoroughly enjoyed the outdoors, he was an avid golfer, and enjoyed fishing and hunting. He was a good athlete and enjoyed all sports. Known affectionately as the prankster he loved to play jokes on you. But most importantly he loved his family. He was a loving husband, father, brother and son. Mr. McGraw is survived by his wife, Connie; his sons, Shane Duncan McGraw and Chad Allen McGraw, all of Stockbridge; his parents, Tommy and Sheila McGraw, Newnan, GA; brother, John Walter McGraw, Newnan, GA; grandmother, Letha McGraw, Riverdale, GA; father and mother-in-law, Harvey and Margaret Farmer, Conyers, GA; 2 nieces and 3 nephews. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. today, Oct. 1, 2005, at the chapel of Cannon Cleveland Funeral Directors, with Pastor Scott Reece officiating. Interment will follow at Fairview Memorial Gardens. Those who wish may sign the on-line guest registry at Cannon Cleveland Funeral Directors, 770-914-1414.
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