We all know that obesity in America is more than a problem – it has become deadly. A recent government study found that in 2000, "poor diet" was responsible for more than 400,000 deaths, running a close second to tobacco-related deaths, which numbered 435,000.
You can make all the arguments – restaurants serve large portions, kids aren't eating well at school, fast food is the devil – but the problem really begins with a personal choice. And, by the way, if kids aren't eating well at school, it's because their parents aren't packing healthy lunches. We'd all be doing well to live off the diet prescribed by the school nutrition department, which is regulated by fruit and vegetable servings.
While mortgage refinances declined nationally by nearly 70% in 2022 and another 61% in 2023, the proportion of households that refinance their mortgage varies considerably across the country. Researchers ranked locations according to the number of mortgage refinances originated in 2023—the l… Click for more.U.S. Cities With the Most Mortgage Refinances
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