The Henry County Board of Commissioners was presented with a proposed new site for the county’s aquatic center at the Bridge of Jodeco mixed-use development.
The Henry County Board of Commissioners was presented with a proposed new site for the county’s aquatic center at the Bridge of Jodeco mixed-use development.
The Henry County Board of Commissioners was presented with a proposed new site for the county's aquatic center at the Bridge of Jodeco mixed-use development.
The Henry County Board of Commissioners was presented with a proposed new site for the county's aquatic center at the Bridge of Jodeco mixed-use development.
The Henry County Board of Commissioners was presented with a proposed new site for the county’s aquatic center at the Bridge of Jodeco mixed-use development.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
The Henry County Board of Commissioners was presented with a proposed new site for the county’s aquatic center at the Bridge of Jodeco mixed-use development.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
The Henry County Board of Commissioners was presented with a proposed new site for the county's aquatic center at the Bridge of Jodeco mixed-use development.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
The Henry County Board of Commissioners was presented with a proposed new site for the county's aquatic center at the Bridge of Jodeco mixed-use development.
McDONOUGH — Eight acres at the Bridges at Jodeco development in Stockbridge have been offered as a potential location for the county’s new aquatic center.
According to a presentation from Jonathon Penn, Leisure Services cluster leader, the property owner is donating a minimum of 8 acres and up to 14 acres to accommodate the new facility.
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