Phillis Meti, an Atlanta resident championship at Eagle’s Landing Country Club Sunday and is pictured with the championship belt. Meti is a motivational speaker and golf instructor when not competing.
Phillis Meti, an Atlanta resident championship at Eagle’s Landing Country Club Sunday and is pictured with the championship belt. Meti is a motivational speaker and golf instructor when not competing.
Scottie Pearman tees off Saturday in the Open Division.
Players in the junior competition Saturday.
Mai Dechathipat tees off during the Women’s Division competition Sunday.
Scott Kinser
Brandon Flynn tees off in the Open Division competition Saturday.
Eagle’s Landing Country Club in Stockbridge played host to the World Long Drive Championships from Thursday to Sunday with Atlanta resident Phillis Meti winning the Women’s Division. Long drive is a golf competition where players compete to see who can hit the ball the farthest. Phillis Meti, an Atlanta resident championship at Eagle’s Landing Country Club Sunday and is pictured with the championship belt. Meti is a motivational speaker and golf instructor when not competing.
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