In The Front Porch Players' interpretation of "Romeo and Juliet," In this interpretation, the crux of the tragedy is the lack of understanding, guidance and true affection from the adults around the young people.
The Front Porch Players’ production of “Romeo and Juliet” has a cast of 33, including 14 youngsters.
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Actors were trained for the sword fights by Chris Strickland and Bill Lanier.
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The Front Porch Players production of "Romeo and Juliet" is a modern take on one of Shakespeare's classics.
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In The Front Porch Players' interpretation of "Romeo and Juliet," In this interpretation, the crux of the tragedy is the lack of understanding, guidance and true affection from the adults around the young people.
"Romeo and Juliet,” the first Shakespeare presentation for The Front Porch Players, opens Aug. 11 for a two-weekend run.
With a cast of 33, including 14 youngsters ages 6 to 18, this production of “Romeo and Juliet” has a different look. The play is set in modern times, and ratherthan teenagers who have no real grasp of life or love or the reality of the violence that simmers in their city, this Romeo and Juliet have strong wills, deep understanding of the situation in which they and their families are embroiled, and, in the case of Juliet, definitely is not a wilting or retiring, delicate and unmoored heroine. Instead there is steel in her previously mild, obedient daughter’s heart.
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