Henry County Police Department officers and detectives responded Monday morning to a triple homicide at a home on Bill Gardner Parkway in Locust Grove where a man, his wife and a young child were found killed. (Staff photo: Kayla Langmaid)
Henry County police block the entrance to the home located in the Mallards Landing subdivision where the triple homicide occurred. (Staff photo: Kayla Langmaid)
Police were first called to the home on Bill Gardner Parkway Monday morning by family members and co-workers who were concerned when the adult victims had not shown up for work. (Staff photo: Kayla Langmaid)
Henry County Police Department officers and detectives responded Monday morning to a triple homicide at a home on Bill Gardner Parkway in Locust Grove where a man, his wife and a young child were found killed. (Staff photo: Kayla Langmaid)
Henry County Police Department Capt. Joey Smith briefs members of the media on the triple homicide Monday afternoon. (Staff photo: Kayla Langmaid)
Henry County police block the entrance to the home located in the Mallards Landing subdivision where the triple homicide occurred. (Staff photo: Kayla Langmaid)
Police were first called to the home on Bill Gardner Parkway Monday morning by family members and co-workers who were concerned when the adult victims had not shown up for work. (Staff photo: Kayla Langmaid)
LOCUST GROVE — Henry County Police Department detectives are investigating what is believed to be a murder-suicide after a husband, wife and an elementary-age child were found shot inside of a home Monday morning when officers were conducting a welfare check on the family.
The Henry County Police Department and first responders arrived at a residence at the 3300 block of Bill Gardner Parkway in the Mallards Landing subdivision around 10 a.m. after they had received calls from the young couple’s family members and co-workers concerned that they had not shown up for work that day.
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