If you are among those who have already received your first COVID-19 vaccine, the J&J one-shot, or awaiting only your second vaccine dose, then thank you for doing your part, and we’ll see you here again, same time, same place next week. Please go visit and hug your vaccinated parent or grandparents, or have a tailgate or barbecue with vaccinated friends and neighbors ... you know, pre-March 2020 normal stuff.
This is for all the rest of you. Across our nation nearly one-third of the adult age population, more than 100 million, have received at least their initial dose of one of the several FDA approved and sanctioned for emergency use COVID-19 vaccines. Our percentage is a bit lower in Georgia, but we are catching up, and as of this week, anyone over the age of 16, more than 30 days after having their last COVID-19 symptoms or without direction to the contrary from their physician is eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. And now as virtually the entire adult population is eligible, we have very quickly shifted from the position of demand exceeding supply to “no appointment necessary,” walk-in vaccination and locations with vaccine supply in need of patient arms that may need to be destroyed or wasted at the end of each day.
Bill Crane is a syndicated columnist based in Decatur. He has worked in politics for Democrats and Republicans, respects the process and will try and give you some things to think about. Your thoughts and responses to his opinions are also welcome, bill.csicrane@gmail.com.
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