Mrs. Laura Mae Hadden Stepp, age 65, passed away Sunday, March 13, 2011. Funeral services will be held Thursday, March 17 at 3 p.m., in Mineral Springs Baptist Church with the Rev. Bill Seaman and the Rev. Burt Mauldin officiating. Interment will follow in Mineral Springs Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will be at the church Thursday from 2 p.m., until the service hour to receive friends. Mrs. Stepp was a native and lifelong resident of Hancock County. She was the daughter of the late Robert Louis Hadden, Sr., and Julia Cheely Hadden, and was preceded in death by her brothers, R.L. Hadden, Jr., and J.H. Hadden, Sr. She was a retired truck driver with Trucks, Inc., and was a member of Mineral Springs Baptist Church. She is survived by her son, Chad (Libby) Stepp of Appling; sister, Susie H. (David M.) McLean of Griffin; brother, Tom (Julia Ann) Hadden of Sparta; sister-in-law, Margaret Hadden of Mitchell; and grandchildren, Justin Hadden Stepp, Rayle Stepp, and Matthew Stepp. For those who wish, memorial contributions may be made to Mineral Springs Baptist Church Cemetery Fund. Express online condolences at Williams Funeral Home of Milledgeville has charge of arrangements.
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