Stockbridge city officials were joined by Bridges development owner and The Sterling Group to celebrate the start of the construction of the new luxury apartment complex March 11 in Stockbridge.
Stockbridge city officials were joined by Bridges development owner and The Sterling Group to celebrate the start of the construction of the new luxury apartment complex March 11 in Stockbridge.
Staff Photos: Heather Middeton
The Sterling Group is constructing Argento at the Bridges, a new luxury apartment building at the Bridges of Jodeco.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Stockbridge Mayor Anthony Ford address the crowd gathered for the groundbreaking ceremony for the Argento at the Bridges March 11.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Members of the Stockbridge City Council took part in the groundbreaking ceremony March 11 at the Bridges of Jodeco.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Before long this portion of the Bridges at Jodeco development will be home to a 306 unit luxury apartment building.
STOCKBRIDGE — The Sterling Group kicked off construction of its $50 million project, Argento at the Bridges, at the Bridges of Jodeco development Friday with a groundbreaking ceremony.
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