Richard McWhorten, Vickie Golden and pup Chase watch the New Year’s festivities from the back of a pick-up truck in the McDonough Square Thursday night. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
Mayor Billy Copeland raises his hands to the crowd seconds before midnight in front the Geranium Drop in McDonough Square Thursday night. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
Richard McWhorten, Vickie Golden and pup Chase watch the New Year’s festivities from the back of a pick-up truck in the McDonough Square Thursday night. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
Shane Graham and Kristin Drillot dance together just minutes before midnight in the McDonough Square. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
Thousands came to the Square in McDonough to celebrate the New Year with the Fifth Annual Geranium Drop Thursday. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
The Geranium sits at the Welcome Center before being raised to ring in the New Year. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
Mayor Billy Copeland raises his hands to the crowd seconds before midnight in front the Geranium Drop in McDonough Square Thursday night. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
Recently engaged, Greg Burks and Pam Milton ring in the new year with a kiss. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
Joel and Darci Klima take a selfie together seconds in to the new year in front of the geranium in McDonough Thursday. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
Women dance in the street after midnight celebrating the new year in McDonough Thursday night. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
The Fifth Annual Geranium Drop rings in 2016 in McDonough. (Staff Photo. (Staff Photo: Brian Hadden)
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