The quality of roads and bridges in Georgia was one of the criteria considered by WalletHub in determining the state is in the Top 5 in taxpayer return on investment.
ATLANTA — Personal finance outlet WalletHub released a study titled “2022’s States with the Best and Worst Taxpayer ROI,” ranking taxpayer return on investment based on the quality of services state residents received compared to their total state and local taxes. Georgia was recognized as one of the top five for “Best State for Taxpayer Return On Investment” and the state with the second-best Roads and Bridges.
“We know that when Georgians pay taxes, that is their money, and it should be spent to best reflect and serve their interests,’’ Gov. Brian Kemp said. “I am proud our responsible, conservative approach to governing has led to the Peach State’s recognition as one of the best at returning taxpayers’ investment through crucial services like quality education, health care, and public safety. As good stewards of these dollars, we are also now in a position to put money back into the pockets of hard-working Georgians through a tax refund, a temporary gas tax halt, an income tax cut, and to further invest in education, health care, our military servicemembers, public safety and more.”
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