Rome Downtown Development Authority Director Aundi Lesley thanked the many business owners who have invested in downtown Rome to make it what it is today.
Rome Downtown Development Authority Director Aundi Lesley thanked the many business owners who have invested in downtown Rome to make it what it is today.
Many who had a hand in building the foundation that led to the Rome River District development, like former city manager John Bennett, were in attendance at the groundbreaking Thursday.
Rome Downtown Development Authority Director Aundi Lesley thanked the many business owners who have invested in downtown Rome to make it what it is today.
John Bailey
Rome Downtown Development Authority Director Aundi Lesley thanked the many business owners who have invested in downtown Rome to make it what it is today.
John Bailey
Rome, Floyd County and Nova River District representatives pose for a photo during a ceremonial ground breaking on Thursday.
John Bailey
Many who had a hand in building the foundation that led to the Rome River District development, like former city manager John Bennett, were in attendance at the groundbreaking Thursday.
It’s hard to imagine what Rome’s River District will become once the large development on West Third Street is complete but developers are hoping it’s only the beginning of big things to come.
The $61 million Nova River District development will include ground floor parking and 18,000 square feet of commercial space divided up between the building and storefronts on Fifth Avenue, said CCI Real Estate Founder and CEO Jeff Warwick. Above the commercial portion of the building will be 250 one- and two-bedroom apartments.
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