Jonesboro assistant coach Aubrey Patterson chats with one of the many college coaches in attendance at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Miami of Ohio Co-Offensive Coordinator Eric Koehler takes in the action at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
University of Georgia Running Backs Coach Dell McGee leads a drill at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Ohio State Head Coach Urban Meyer spoke with several recruits at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Arkansas Head Coach Bret Bielema watches quarterback drills at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Ohio State Co-Offensive Coordinator and Quarterbacks Coach Tim Beck talks mechanics with quarterbacks at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Woodland and Lovejoy players are among a group listening intently to a coach during a drill at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer and Arkansas head coach Bret Bielema catch up at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Players are given instructions before taking the field at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer shakes the hand of a recruit at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Players wait patiently for their turn to participate in a drill at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Players stretch as Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer looks on at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
University of Georgia Running Backs Coach Dell McGee looks on at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Oregon Running Backs Coach Gary Campbell enjoys the competition at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
A player participates in a drill at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Jonesboro assistant coach Aubrey Patterson chats with one of the many college coaches in attendance at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Miami of Ohio Co-Offensive Coordinator Eric Koehler takes in the action at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
University of Georgia Running Backs Coach Dell McGee leads a drill at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Ohio State Head Coach Urban Meyer spoke with several recruits at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
A player prepares to take part in a drill at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Players surround camp leaders to get instructions at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Arkansas Head Coach Bret Bielema watches quarterback drills at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Quarterbacks warm up before taking part in drills at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Ohio State Co-Offensive Coordinator and Quarterbacks Coach Tim Beck talks mechanics with quarterbacks at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Woodland and Lovejoy players are among a group listening intently to a coach during a drill at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer and Arkansas head coach Bret Bielema catch up at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Players are given instructions before taking the field at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer shakes the hand of a recruit at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Players wait patiently for their turn to participate in a drill at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Jonesboro quarterback Jaaliq Brown stretches before the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Two Lovejoy players talk during a break at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
A Woodland player looks on at the action at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Players stretch as Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer looks on at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
A Tennessee coach takes in the action at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Players sprint through a drill at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
University of Georgia Running Backs Coach Dell McGee looks on at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Players focus on form during a drill at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
Oregon Running Backs Coach Gary Campbell enjoys the competition at the Minority Coaches Association of Georgia Football Academy. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)
STOCKBRIDGE — The Minority Coaches Association of Georgia held one of the biggest recruiting camps in the country this week at Woodland High School.
College coaches from well over 100 schools were in attendance in hopes of catching a glimpse of a talent that could potentially fit within their programs. Prospects from the classes of 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 engaged in drills and competition against some of the top players in the area, all in front of the watchful eyes of college football’s top decision makers.
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