Virginia native Presley O’Bannon entered the U.S. Marine Corps on Jan. 18, 1801. Assigned to the brig (sailing vessel) USS Argus, First Lt. O’Bannon led seven Marines and two Navy midshipmen in the victorious attack at the Battle of Derna on April 27, 1805, during the First Barbary War. The combat at Derna, a small coastal town in eastern Libya, gave the Marine Hymn its line “to the shores of Tripoli.”

Lt. O’Bannon became the first American soldier to raise the American flag over foreign territory in time of war. For his part in restoring Prince Hamet Karamanli to the throne as the Bey of Tripoli, the prince gave O’Bannon a Mameluke sword as a token of admiration for his bravery. In 1825, the Mameluke sword was adopted by the U.S. Marines for wear by all Marine Corps commissioned officers. The Mameluke sword is worn by Marine Corps officers with all uniforms except utility uniforms and the evening dress.

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