Chocoholics often feel that nothing beats a rich piece of chocolate, a sumptuous slice of chocolate cake or a creamy serving of chocolate ice cream. Chocolate contains four times the amount of catechins as tea, and it contains the same heart-healthy flavonoids as red wine. However, the way chocolate is prepared can affect its potential health benefits. For those who want a healthy, low-fat chocolate option that’s easier on the waistline, smoothies may be the way to go.
This recipe for “Guilt-Free Banana Chocolate Smoothie” from Ellen Brown’s “Super Smoothies: 100 Recipes to Supercharge Your Immune System” (Crestline) is one way to get a full dose of delicious chocolate (in two forms). This smoothie is chock-full of other ingredients, including a potassium-rich banana, that are part of a healthy, balanced diet. When the kids are indulging in ice cream, this smoothie offers parents the same texture and taste without all the guilt.
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