Morgan County Sheriff’s Office deputies Eddie Manders, John Sims and Blake Rowe escort convicted murderer Charles Corbitt to a patrol car Wednesday, Jan. 10, after a Morgan County jury found Corbitt guilty on charges of malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime.
Morgan County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Eddie Manders escorts convicted murderer Charles Corbitt to a waiting patrol car Wednesday, Jan. 10, after a Morgan County jury found Corbitt guilty of both malice and felony murder.
Morgan County Sheriff’s Office deputies Eddie Manders, John Sims and Blake Rowe escort convicted murderer Charles Corbitt to a patrol car Wednesday, Jan. 10, after a Morgan County jury found Corbitt guilty on charges of malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime.
Photo by Patrick Yost
Morgan County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Eddie Manders escorts convicted murderer Charles Corbitt to a waiting patrol car Wednesday, Jan. 10, after a Morgan County jury found Corbitt guilty of both malice and felony murder.
MADISON — A Morgan County jury on Wednesday, Jan. 10, deliberated 45 minutes before returning guilty verdicts against a man charged with malice murder and felony murder in the shooting death of a McDonough man during a child custody exchange.
Charles Corbitt, 29, of Augusta, was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole plus five years by Superior Court Judge Brenda Trammell. The sentencing came at the end of a three-day trial.
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