Mr. David Richard Abercrombie, Jr., 31, of Carrollton, died suddenly, Saturday, April 30, 2011 at his residence. Mr. Abercrombie was born May 29, 1979, in South Fulton Hospital, the son of Shelia Ann Carter Massey, and David Richard Abercrombie, Sr. He was a 1997 graduate of Stockbridge High School, and worked as a Transmission Technician for John Bleakley Ford. He attended Life Gate Church at Mirror Lake City, and was a loving son, brother and friend. Survivors include his mother and stepfather, Sheila Ann Carter Massey, and the Rev. Larry Massey, of Douglasville; father and stepmother, David Richard Abercrombie, Sr., and Andrea Abercrombie, of Monticello; sisters and brothers-in-law, Sharon and Tony DeBlasis, of Villa Rica, Sonya and Paul Glover, of Carrollton; stepbrother and sister-in-law, Joseph and Kathryn Abercrombie, of McDonough; stepsisters and brothers-in-law, Christina and Kevin Briant, of McDonough, Kim and Chris Bryant, of Jesup, and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday, May 4, at 11 a.m., from J. Collins Funeral Home, with the Rev. Bill Phillips officiating. The family received friends at the funeral home Tuesday, from 6 p..m., to 8 p.m. Following the service, the body will be cremated. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Colon Cancer Foundation at To send condolences to the family, please visit our web site J Collins Funeral Home and Cremation Service is in charge of arrangements.
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