Travelers wearing protective masks use kiosks to check-in at the American Airlines Group Inc. counter at San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco, California on Wednesday, July 1, 2020.
American Airlines says it will lay off or involuntarily furlough 19,000 employees as of October 1 unless the airline industry gets more help from Congress.
The world's largest airline, which had 133,700 employees heading into this year, says it will need to reduce headcount by "at least" 40,000 employees. It said that 12,500 had agreed to leave the company with early retirement or buyout packages, and another 11,000 had agreed to voluntary furloughs for October.
So all those luggage fees didn't allow this airline a cushion. To think that the tax payer has to bail out an airline is simply unacceptable. Small businesses are not bailed out when business slows, they cut cost and do what;s necessary to stay afloat until things get better, this includes laying off folks if needed. So I have no sympathy for the airline industry who have nickle and dime the consumer for years and now want our tax dollars to keep them afloat. Don't agree, restructure and become more efficient even if it means laying off folks.
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So all those luggage fees didn't allow this airline a cushion. To think that the tax payer has to bail out an airline is simply unacceptable. Small businesses are not bailed out when business slows, they cut cost and do what;s necessary to stay afloat until things get better, this includes laying off folks if needed. So I have no sympathy for the airline industry who have nickle and dime the consumer for years and now want our tax dollars to keep them afloat. Don't agree, restructure and become more efficient even if it means laying off folks.
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