Kay and Coley Lovejoy won an Atlanta Motor Speedway’s weekend race package for the Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 last week, where they celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary. The speedway is a special place for the couple who spent part of their honeymoon there. (Special photo: Laura Luker)
HAMPTON — Kay and Coley Lovejoy celebrated part of their honeymoon at Atlanta Motor Speedway, then Atlanta International Raceway, in March of 1968. Forty-eight years later, give or take a month, they were back celebrating their anniversary after winning Atlanta Motor Speedway’s weekend race package for the Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 sponsored by the Atlanta Motor Speedway and promoted by Georgia Tourism and the Henry County Convention & Visitors Bureau.
With their marriage less than 48 hours old, they were invited by Coley’s brother-in-law to Sunday’s race. Despite the offer coming at 4 a.m., and despite the fact that they were at Stone Mountain on their honeymoon, they agreed.
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