UGA Extension specialists offer five tips to help create a less stressful holiday meal. Remember, the traditional turkey your family has always enjoyed will round out your holiday meal much better than a half-frozen, half-cooked, deep-fried turkey would.
Does the stress of preparing for holidays hit you like a sledgehammer? Are you Googling new recipes the night before the feast to find the perfect sides? Does a relative want Grandma’s cornbread stuffing instead of the Stouffer’s you had planned to prepare?
Let’s face it: The holidays may look picture-perfect on social media, but in reality, they may not be so full of harmony and smiles. Hosting a holiday meal means giving careful attention to all the details, like the guest list, place settings, menu, and time of day, in addition to the cooking, cleaning and entertaining.
The rise in young business ownership across the U.S. signals a shifting entrepreneurial landscape, with younger Americans increasingly taking the leap into self-employment. Analyzing the newest data available from the U.S. Census Bureau, researchers identified the U.S. metros and states with… Click for more.Cities With the Most Business Owners Under 40
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