Stepping Stones Educational Therapy Center will host its 10th Annual Duck Derby on Saturday, June 30, at The Rock Ranch in The Rock, Ga. Proceeds from the event will benefit the nonprofit centers academic and therapy programs. Its programs serve children, ages birth to 14 years, from around the Southern Crescent, including in Henry County and Clayton County.
The Duck Derby is a part of the ranchs annual Celebrate America event. Race day highlights at The Rock Ranch include train and pony rides, zip lines, face painting, paddle boats, inflatables, live music, great food and much more. Gates open at 4 p.m. with the Duck Derby starting at 6:30 p.m. A fireworks display will begin at dark. Admission to The Rock Ranch is $25 per vehicle and $35 per bus.
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Stacker ranked the best films of 2024 so far using data from Metacritic as of Dec. 2, 2024. Check back to see this list evolve as the year concludes. Click for more.The best movies of 2024 so far
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