Stacker compiled a list of vintage photographs showing the history of America’s National Parks, utilizing information and photographs gathered from government websites, private collections, and organizations engaged in the preservation of information regarding protected lands in the United States.
Vintage photos that show the beauty of America's national parks
UpdatedWashington Column
UpdatedFirst boat on Yellowstone Lake
UpdatedTravel views of Yosemite National Park
UpdatedGrand Canyon, Arizona
UpdatedPetrified Forest
UpdatedGrinnell Glacier
UpdatedLake Nanita
UpdatedSaint Mary Lake
UpdatedMark Twain log
UpdatedSketching cliff dwellings
UpdatedPhotographing falls
UpdatedDriving through a tree
UpdatedSteamer queen
UpdatedMuir Glacier
UpdatedPresident Roosevelt at Yosemite
UpdatedTourists in Yellowstone National Park
UpdatedRoosevelt and Muir
UpdatedIn the Bad Lands
UpdatedYellowstone River through the Grand Canyon
UpdatedYosemite Falls, Yosemite National Park
UpdatedGrand Falls of Yellowstone River from Point Lookout, 360 feet high
UpdatedSea waves crashing against rocks
UpdatedOld Faithful Geyser Cone, steaming
UpdatedTourists at cliff dwellings
UpdatedFern Lake
UpdatedFranklin Lane with group at Mount Rainier
UpdatedPhotographing canyon wall
UpdatedIce skaters at Yosemite National Park
UpdatedRanger driving car on railroad
UpdatedContinental Divide over Shoshone Lake
UpdatedShenandoah National Park, Virginia
UpdatedGeneral Sherman Tree, Sequoia National Park, California
UpdatedSandstone Cliffs in Zion National Park, Utah
UpdatedCorbin Hollow boy
UpdatedFormations at Bryce Canyon
UpdatedGrand Canyon
UpdatedSequoia giganteum
UpdatedGlacier National Park, Montana
UpdatedGate to government reservation, Hot Springs, Arkansas
UpdatedEstes National Park, Colorado
UpdatedCowlitz Glacier
UpdatedMount McKinley
UpdatedMountaineer sketching on rope swing
UpdatedDeath Valley Rock
UpdatedVehicle and Badlands geological formations
UpdatedSeminole woman canoeing in the Everglades
UpdatedSummer vacation in the 1950s
UpdatedCrater Lake
UpdatedWith the coronavirus pandemic cutting into travel, many states are reassessing how they pay for construction and maintenance. CoPilot analyzed…
From the Boston Tea Party to Black Lives Matter, Stacker looks at some of the most famous American protests and how they impacted the United States.
Originally published on, part of the BLOX Digital Content Exchange.
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