What a terrible day to have to have a newspaper column published! One thing is on everyone’s mind and I cannot address that one thing because this column was, by necessity, submitted long before the results of Tuesday night’s election were determined. But trust me, I will have plenty to say about those results in columns yet to come.
But since it is the day after, it might be fun to look at some other days after. Understand, I don’t know if we are waking up to the news that all of the pundits and all of the mainstream media have been proven right and we have elected our first female president. I don’t know if Donald Trump has defied the odds and won an amazing upset victory. I don’t even know if we know yet.
The rise in young business ownership across the U.S. signals a shifting entrepreneurial landscape, with younger Americans increasingly taking the leap into self-employment. Analyzing the newest data available from the U.S. Census Bureau, researchers identified the U.S. metros and states with… Click for more.Cities With the Most Business Owners Under 40
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