Hall of Fame inductee Tom Glavine makes his acceptance speech during the class of 2014 national baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony at National Baseball Hall of Fame.
Hall of Fame Chairman of the Board Jane Forbes Clark announced Thursday that Craig Biggio, Tom Glavine and Ken Griffey Jr. have been elected to the Board of Directors for the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.
“We are thrilled to welcome Craig Biggio, Tom Glavine and Ken Griffey Jr. to the Board of Directors of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum,” Clark said. “As players, Craig, Tom and Ken were each known for their passion for the game and their leadership. Since being elected as Members of the Hall of Fame, they have all demonstrated their continuing commitment to baseball and to this institution. Their vision will help guide the Museum toward the future while it remains focused on its mission to preserve history, honor excellence and connect generations.”
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