Ryan Palmer recorded 11 birdies Friday before making his lone bogey of the day on the final hole, finishing with a 10-under-par 62 to hold a two-shot lead at the midpoint of the Farmers Insurance Open in La Jolla, Calif.
Palmer, following his impressive round at Torrey Pines' North Course, sits at 10-under 134 through two rounds. Brandt Snedeker, who recorded a 5-under 67 at Torrey Pines' South Course on Friday, is in second place at 8 under.
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The rise in young business ownership across the U.S. signals a shifting entrepreneurial landscape, with younger Americans increasingly taking the leap into self-employment. Analyzing the newest data available from the U.S. Census Bureau, researchers identified the U.S. metros and states with… Click for more.Cities With the Most Business Owners Under 40
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