Kevin Harvick is presented a gift in honor of his final Atlanta Motor Speedway race by Brandon Hutchison, Atlanta Motor Speedway Executive VP and GM, as his son, Keelan Paul Harvick and daughter, Piper Harvick look on during pre-race ceremonies prior to the NASCAR Cup Series Quaker State 400 Available at Walmart at Atlanta Motor Speedway.
The No. 29 car sits on pit road before Sunday's Cup Series race at Atlanta Motor Speedway. Kevin Harvick drove the No. 29 car when he won his first NASCAR Cup race on March 11, 2001 at Atlanta Motor Speedway. In the March 2000 race, Dale Earnhardt raced the same car to victory at Atlanta Motor Speedway.
Kevin Harvick is presented a gift in honor of his final Atlanta Motor Speedway race by Brandon Hutchison, Atlanta Motor Speedway Executive VP and GM, as his son, Keelan Paul Harvick and daughter, Piper Harvick look on during pre-race ceremonies prior to the NASCAR Cup Series Quaker State 400 Available at Walmart at Atlanta Motor Speedway.
The No. 29 car sits on pit road before Sunday's Cup Series race at Atlanta Motor Speedway. Kevin Harvick drove the No. 29 car when he won his first NASCAR Cup race on March 11, 2001 at Atlanta Motor Speedway. In the March 2000 race, Dale Earnhardt raced the same car to victory at Atlanta Motor Speedway.
HAMPTON — On March 11, 2001, just weeks after Dale Earnhardt died at at the Daytona 500, Kevin Harvick drove the No. 29 car to victory — his first NASCAR Cup win.
Harvick will retire at the end of the season so Harvick closed a chapter on his racing career Sunday as he drove his final Cup Series race at Atlanta Motor Speedway.
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