Union Grove junior Skylar Mosel connects for one hit of three she had in game one of the Region 4-AAAAA softball championship at Woodland High School. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Woodland softball player Danielle Castlebury, left, celebrates her team’s opening win in the Region 4-AAAAA championship tournament. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Union Grove junior Skylar Mosel connects for one hit of three she had in game one of the Region 4-AAAAA softball championship at Woodland High School. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Woodland softball player Danielle Castlebury, left, celebrates her team’s opening win in the Region 4-AAAAA championship tournament. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Woodland pitcher Mallie Brown held Union Grove to three runs in the Region 4-AAAAA championship tournament. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Emily Coltharp of Union Grove went 2-for-4 in game one of the Region 4-AAAAA championship against Woodland. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Union Grove pitcher Madison Whiteside comes up with a play from third base. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
A Woodland player gets one of the team’s eight hits in the Region 4-AAAAA championship. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Woodland pitcher Mallie Brown consults with catcher Lexee Emanuel. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
A Woodland hitter connects for a hit. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Union Grove’s player lays down a bunt. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Woodland senior Carly Rigsbee knocks a hit against Union Grove in the Region 4-AAAAA championship. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Union Grove players cheer on their teammates from the dugout. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Union Grove catcher Jordan Barnett frames a pitch from Madison Whiteside, not pictured. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
Emily Sweat crosses the plate on one of Union Grove’s two runs in the Region 4-AAAAA championship finale. (Special Photo: Jerry Jackson)
STOCKBRIDGE — The Region 4-AAAAA championship was on the line Wednesday at Woodland High School.
The Lady Wolfpack squared off against Union Grove to determine who would be the No. 1 seed in the state softball tournament in a best-of-three series. Woodland, in the middle of a 12-game winning streak at the time, took on the Lady Wolverines with ease, using a 2-1 win in Game 1 to springboard into a 4-2 victory in Game 2.
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