Autumn heralds the start of the fall sports season including football, soccer and fall tennis leagues. Across the region, sports enthusiasts from young children to adults, participate in school sports teams, organized leagues and pickup games. Significant health benefits are derived from sports and recreational physical activities, however across the country nearly 2 million otherwise healthy people suffer sports-related injuries that require treatment in emergency departments each year.
OrthoAtlanta’s Timothy Ghattas, M.D., is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine. Also serving as team physician to Clayton State University and local schools including Eagles Landing, Ola and Woodland High Schools, Ghattas shares insights into some of the most common sports injuries, prevention tips and treatment considerations this time of year.
Stacker ranked the best films of 2024 so far using data from Metacritic as of Dec. 2, 2024. Check back to see this list evolve as the year concludes. Click for more.The best movies of 2024 so far
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